Americana Lyrics

Cover art for『OAU - Americana』from the release『OAU』


Release: 2019.09.04
Lyricist: MARTIN
Composer: OAU

Dropped into a macrocosm
God knows I can’t see
Fire another cigarette
In blatant blasphemy
Truth and lies are coupling
Tomorrow on the line
Wasn’t there another thing
We’d left to realign

Jack and Jill are stumbling
They’ve found the water’s brown
Hand in hand to keep from falling
Further in the ground
Trace their steps to only find
Their home has flown away
Authorities are disinclined
Trust has been betrayed

Cause it’s too late

Mothers dread their unborn children
Born into this land
Times have changed this modern age
Will slap you on the hand
Poverty and suffering
It seems they’re common place
The winds of change are blustering
Will you be replaced

Cause it’s
Too late for my brothers
Too late for my sisters
It’s too late
For society to wait
We gotta choose a side

Will you watch in apathy
As cities start to quake
Will you turn a slivered eye
On those lost in the wake
Will you run until the sea
To save your precious skin
Hunted as an escapee
Blackened from within

Cause it’s
Too late for my brothers
Too late for my sisters
Too late for my mother
Too late for my father
Too late for my daughter
Too late for my sons
Too late for society to wait
We got to choose a side

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: OAU
Status : Official Full

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OAU - Americana Lyrics