Ano Hikari Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『Nogizaka46 - Ano Hikari』from the release『Ano Hikari』
Original Title: あの光

Nogizaka46 乃木坂46

ATRI -My Dear Moments- Opening
Release: 2024.07.27
Lyricist: Yasushi Akimoto
Composer: BASEMINT
Arranger: BASEMINT

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English Translation: Ano Hikari English Translation
1.“Ano hikari wa nani?”2.
3.Tasogare no toshokan de achikochi sagashita ne
4.Hoshi no haichi shiritakatta furui tentaizu5.

9.Kitto sou bokutachi wa taiko no jidai kara
10.Hikiyoserareru unmei dattan da11.
12.(Uchuu wa) shitteta darou
13.(Chikyuu no) ai no tanjou wo…
14.Fukai umi no soko hitotsu no inochi15.
16.“Ano hikari wa nani?”17.
18.Kore kara mirai ga dou naru ka dare ni mo wakaranai keredo
19.Sore demo dokoka ni itsumo hikari ga mieteta yo
20.Sore wa tooi uchuu kara no kibou no you na hoshi no kagayaki
21.Nani wo katatteiru no ka
22.Yoake made wa yume yo sameru na!23.
27.Kono machi wo satte kara kimi wa nani wo shiteru?
28.Kaze no tayori mo boku ni wa todokanai29.
30.(Taiyou) machikogareta ka?
31.(Wakusei) mawari tsuzuketeru
32.Ai no messeeji wa nan man kounen33.
34.“Hoshi no kirameki ka?”35.
36.Tatoeba ima to ka kako to ka wa koko kara miete wa iru kedo
37.Shuusei dekinai sugita koto wa imi ga nai yo
38.Kore kara hajimaru koto nara dou ni ka shuusei dekiru kamo…
39.Nani wo kakinaoshitai no ka?
40.Marui tsuki mo asu wa kaketeku41.
42.Kono jinsei wa yarinaoshitai koe ni michiteiru
43.Dakara kimi to mou ichido meguriaitai yo44.
45.Atama no maue ni hirogaru kazoe kirenai hoshitachi
46.Sono naka no hitotsu ga kimi nara boku wa akiramenai47.
48.Kore kara mirai ga dou naru ka dare ni mo wakaranai keredo
49.Sore demo dokoka ni itsumo hikari ga mieteta yo
50.Sore wa tooi uchuu kara no kibou no you na hoshi no kagayaki
51.Nani wo katatteiru no ka
52.Yoake made wa yume yo sameru na!53.
57.“Ano hikari wa nani?”

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English: Ano Hikari English Translation

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Artist: Nogizaka46 乃木坂46
Tie-in: ATRI -My Dear Moments-
(Based on):
Official Full

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Transliterated by:
Senior Editor, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Pokemon game enthusiast and Genshin Impacters.

A fan of DIALOGUE+ and Sakurazaka46.

Interested to listen to more songs from any Japanese girls group and Seiyuus.

Learning Japanese at my own pace.

  • Nogizaka46 - Ano Hikari Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Nogizaka46 - あの光 Lyrics (Romanized)

  • ATRI -My Dear Moments- Opening Theme Lyrics (Romanized)

3.黄昏の図書館で あちこち探したね
4.星の配置 知りたかった古い天体図5.
9.きっと そう僕たちは 太古の時代から
14.深い海の底 一つの命15.
18.これから未来がどうなるか 誰にもわからないけれど
19.それでもどこかに いつも光が見えてたよ
22.夜明けまでは 夢よ醒めるな!23.
27.この街を去ってから 君は何をしてる?
28.風の便りも 僕には届かない29.
32.愛のメッセージは 何万光年33.
36.例えば今とか過去とかは ここから見えてはいるけど
37.修正できない 過ぎたことは意味がないよ
38.これから始まることなら どうにか修正できるかも…
40.丸い月も 明日は欠けてく41.
42.この人生は やり直したい 声に満ちている
43.だから君ともう一度 巡り逢いたいよ44.
46.その中の一つが 君なら僕は諦めない47.
48.これから未来がどうなるか 誰にもわからないけれど
49.それでもどこかに いつも光が見えてたよ
52.夜明けまでは 夢よ醒めるな!53.

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English: Ano Hikari English Translation

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Artist: Nogizaka46 乃木坂46
Tie-in: ATRI -My Dear Moments-
1.“What is that light?”2.
3.In the twilight library, we searched all over,
4.Wanting to know the positions of the stars from an old celestial map.5.
6.La la la la la…
7.La la la la la…8.
9.Surely, yes, we were destined
10.To be drawn together since ancient times.11.
12.(The universe) must have known,
13.(The birth of) love on Earth…
14.One life at the bottom of the deep sea.15.
16.“What is that light?”17.
18.No one knows what the future holds,
19.But even so, somewhere, I always saw a light.
20.It was like the shining of a star, a hope from the distant universe.
21.What is it telling us?
22.Until dawn, let the dream not end!23.
24.La la la la la…
25.La la la la la…26.
27.Since leaving this town, what have you been doing?
28.Even the wind’s rumors do not reach me.29.
30.(Did you long) for the sun?
31.(The planets) keep on turning.
32.A message of love, tens of thousands of light-years.33.
34.“Is it the sparkle of a star?”35.
36.For example, the present or the past, we can see them from here,
37.But what has passed cannot be corrected, it is meaningless.
38.If it’s something starting from now, perhaps we can somehow correct it…
39.What do you want to redraw?
40.Even the round moon will wane tomorrow.41.
42.This life is filled with voices wishing for a do-over.
43.That’s why I want to meet you again.44.
45.Countless stars spread out above my head.
46.If one of them is you, I won’t give up.47.
48.No one knows what the future holds,
49.But even so, somewhere, I always saw a light.
50.It was like the shining of a star, a hope from the distant universe.
51.What is it telling us?
52.Until dawn, let the dream not end!53.
54.La la la la la…
55.La la la la la…56.
57.“What is that light?”

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English: Ano Hikari English Translation

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Artist: Nogizaka46 乃木坂46
Tie-in: ATRI -My Dear Moments-
Translated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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Nogizaka46『Ano Hikari』Opening Video


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Nogizaka46 - Ano Hikari (あの光) Lyrics (Romanized)