Tears On My Pillow Lyrics

Cover art for『Masayuki Suzuki - Tears On My Pillow』from the release『ALL TIME ROCK 'N' ROLL』

Masayuki Suzuki 鈴木雅之

Release: 2020.04.15
Lyricist: Lewis Al・Bradford Sylvester
Composer: Lewis Al・Bradford Sylvester

You don’t remember me,
But I remember you
’twas not so long a go
You broke my heart in two

Tears on my pillow, pain in my heart
Caused by you, you

If we could start anew
I wouldn’t hesitate
I’d gladly take you back
And tempt the hands of fate

Tears on my pillow, pain in my heart
Caused by you, you you you you

Love is not a gadget,
Love is not a toy
When you find the one you love,
He’ll fill your heart with joy

If we could start anew
I wouldn’t hesitate
I’d gladly take you back
And tempt the hands of fate

Tears on my pillow, pain in my heart
Caused by you, you
No, no no no now
No, no no no
You you you you you

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: Masayuki Suzuki 鈴木雅之
Status : Official Full

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Masayuki Suzuki - Tears On My Pillow Lyrics