1.Even so, we’ll keep moving forward
2.Even if cold tears wet our cheeks
3.The blooming flowers know winter
4.It’s okay, I’ll be by your side—that’s a promise forever5.
6.A melody flows through my heart
7.A symphony we continue to sing together
8.The magic we unleash here
9.Shakes someone’s today, even just by a millimeter10.
11.Run, tightly connecting our hearts
12.We’re searching for an endless rainbow
13.In this dazzlingly vivid world, let’s bring even more blessings!
14.Our wishes will someday become emotion
15.The truth is always a question
16.Even so, this magnificent world will continue17.
18.If it’s a dream we don’t want to give up
19.Then there’s nothing to fear about getting hurt
20.The blooming flowers know love
21.It’s okay, it’s here—I am looking every day22.
23.A melody flows through the sky
24.A wonderland we keep aiming for together
25.The hope I always want to protect
26.Will surely move tomorrow, even just by a millimeter27.
28.Run, pushing through the weakness
29.I found it—a single starlight
30.In that delicate future, let’s bring even more passion!
31.At the end of the labyrinth lies a station
32.Tearing through the darkness is the solution
33.How far can we go in this sinful world?34.
35.A melody seeps into my chest
36.A sympathy that stirs me into action
37.The path you’ve drawn
38.Shakes someone’s today, even just by a millimeter39.
40.Run, tightly connecting our hearts
41.I’ve found it—the invincible potion
42.In this brilliantly radiant world, let’s bring even more blessings!
43.Our wishes will someday become emotion
44.The truth is always a question
45.We’ll weave it together—this magnificent world
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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