Loneliness of Spring Lyrics

Cover art for『inabakumori - Loneliness of Spring』from the release『Loneliness of Spring』
Alternate Title: Haru no Sekibaku English Cover
Original Title: Loneliness of Spring 『ハルノ寂寞』English Cover

inabakumori 稲葉曇

Release: 2021.10.03
Lyricist: inabakumori
Composer: inabakumori

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Been hurt so many times
A big hole’s been opened so
Been putting a needle through, pulling together

Protected it for many days
Closed my heavy lips
Held it together almost exploding

Been hurt so many times
Sewed the opened hole and hid
I want to try to be with you for as long as I can

Protected it for many days
Clenched my teeth when I wanted to spit it out
You know it hurt, being held

It’s not painful forcing it to close

I guess it’s my fault because I was exhausted
I thought I could still be of use
Before ripping off, our compassion slip past each other and we say goodbye

I guess it’s my fault because I was exhausted
Your smell still lingers
Before ripping off a little reluctantly, a goodbye

My face, my body hurt so many times but still can be used
Don’t leave me, I just don’t want you to give it to someone else

It is my fault because I was exhausted

I guess it’s my fault because I was exhausted
I’m thinking I was depended on
Can’t win against me before I was ripped up, brand new and unused

I guess it’s my fault because I was exhausted
I can still remember, I’ve just lost color
After ripping off a little reluctantly, a goodbye

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: inabakumori 稲葉曇
Status : Official Full

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  • inabakumori - Loneliness of Spring Lyrics

  • inabakumori - Haru no Sekibaku English Cover Lyrics

  • inabakumori - Loneliness of Spring 『ハルノ寂寞』English Cover Lyrics

inabakumori『Loneliness of Spring』Music Video・PV


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inabakumori - Loneliness of Spring Lyrics (Haru no Sekibaku ハルノ寂寞 English Cover)