1.“Since it’s a rare opportunity, how about a shoulder massage, darling?”
2.Even if it’s small, it will gradually boil and eventually3.
4.It will encourage that.5.
6.One, two, three,
7.Detonation ready,
10.Four, the start,
11.Detonation, liberation, hooray12.
13.Three, two, one, go!!
14.Detonation, barrier collapse15.
16.Let’s go, applause,
17.The energy is full18.
19.That is20.
22.Awakened in unease,
23.Clear, clouded,
24.The arrival of uncertainty
26.Heading towards the eye of the storm,
27.Starting to walk
28.Escape, word-thought, and reckless theory29.
30.Barely seizing,
32.Temporarily run away,
33.Now I’ll give you a shoulder massage, darling.34.
35.Pimple flash,
37.The way of misunderstanding safely,
38.Feeling derailed but still not discouraged by this39.
40.One, two, three,
41.Detonation ready,
44.Four, the start,
45.Detonation, liberation, hooray46.
47.Three, two, one, go!!
48.Detonation, barrier collapse49.
50.Let’s go, applause,
51.I have arrived52.
53.This is54.
56.Awakened in unease,
57.Clear, clouded,
58.The arrival of uncertainty
60.Heading towards the eye of the storm,
61.Starting to walk
62.Escape, word-thought, and reckless theory63.
64.Why are you trying to fill your heart,
65.Trying to shake it off?
66.Hey, it hurts, right?67.
68.To the point of being overwhelmed,
69.I’ve come to love you,
70.And if things stay this beautiful,
71.Just as it is,
72.And with words once again,
73.A future so hopeful,
74.I saw it there75.
76.More important
77.Than confirming with each other,
78.More warm
79.Than being considerate,
80.More foolish
81.To the point of being immersed,
83.More important
84.Than walking together,
85.More warm than hugging each other,
86.I want to see a future where we think warmly.
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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