OVERCOME English Translation


Photon Maiden

Release: 2022.08.10
Lyricist: fu_mou(Hifumi,inc.)
Composer: fu_mou(Hifumi,inc.)
Arranger: fu_mou(Hifumi,inc.)

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Original Lyrics: OVERCOME Lyrics (Romanized)

Spilled voices and feelings
Sink into the darkness without being exchanged

Then falling down, then struggling in despair
Even if you can’t see the light at all,
Still reach out to hear the sound

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand
Don’t be afraid of being different
It’s okay to be whoever you are (Let me hear your voice)

Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice
Look at me ’cause I’m just like you
We can overcome any differences we may have
Just we can overcome

Even if you throw it many times
It disappeared without echoing, I had given up

In times when I feel like I’m being crushed by incomprehension, denial, and irrationality
I remember again (always)

You are not alone, you are not alone
We will always be by your side
We are beings that can be close to each other (Let me hear your voice)

Overlap and connect
Even if we’re weak and fleeting
Now, with a definite warmth, the light is becoming brighter
Just we can overcome

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand
I’m always by your side
I want to save you

Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice
Let me hear really what you want
We can overcome any differences we may have

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand
Don’t be afraid of being different
It’s okay to be whoever you are (Let me hear your voice)

Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice
Look at me ’cause I’m just like you
We can overcome any differences we may have
Just we can overcome

Hah Ah…
Just we can overcome

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Romaji: OVERCOME Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Photon Maiden
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  • Photon Maiden - OVERCOME English Translation


Then falling down, then Struggling in despair
Even if you can’t see the light at all,
so still reach out to hear the sound

手を伸ばして 手を伸ばして
違うこと 恐れないで
どんな君でいてもいいから(Let me hear your voice)

Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice
Look at me ‘Cause I’m just like you
We can overcome any differences we may have
Just we can overcome

こだますことなく消えていった 諦めていた

無理解 否定 理不尽 に押しつぶされそうな時

You are not alone, you are not alone
We will always be by your side
We are beings that can be close to each other(Let me hear your voice)

今 確かな熱を帯びていく光で
Just we can overcome

手を伸ばして 手を伸ばして

Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice
Let me hear really what you want
We can overcome any differences we may have

手を伸ばして 手を伸ばして
違うこと 恐れないで
どんな君でいてもいいから(Let me hear your voice)

Let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice
Look at me ‘Cause I’m just like you
We can overcome any differences we may have
Just we can overcome

Hah Ah…
Just we can overcome

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Romaji OVERCOME Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Photon Maiden

Photon Maiden『OVERCOME』Topic Video


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Photon Maiden - OVERCOME English Translation Lyrics