GAME Lyrics

Cover art for『(K)NoW_NAME - GAME』from the release『Fairy gone


Fairy gone フェアリーゴーン Insert Song
Release: 2019.12.18
Lyricist: (K)NoW_NAME:Kohei by SIMONSAYZ
Composer: (K)NoW_NAME:Hiromitsu Kawashima

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I don’t know it feels not alive without this gun
so I’ll take this opportunity to rock myself again …oh yeah

Playing game? Let me in, what is the target?
Need a drink, bring me here! Let the show start!
I had enough of people just wishing for the“peace”…
so I live or die…time to lay a bet…

All I need is fight… all I gotta find is the way to be a survivor
it’s quite simple thing… pull the trigger on the enemy
There’s no time to lose, Suicide or shoot…
cuz no such a nonsense“right or wrong.”
Ain’t no way to ever understand how I do enjoy this GAME

Over there, live and die, fight for some reasons
let me join and let’s have party!
Before my coffee gets cold…let’s do it!
Roll your dice again…time to do a bet…

Shouting for the pain, sounds like quite insane…
that is how I recognize life
No matter what situation pull the trigger
Nothing else matters, lovers or haters
bring the gun on my head so I can concentrate on my target
and win this GAME! hell oh yeah!

The more they are in good condition,
the more I can be damn so excited!
Are you ready to fly?!

All I need is fight… all I gotta find is the way to be a survivor
it’s quite simple thing… pull the trigger on the enemy
There’s no time to lose, Suicide or shoot…
cuz no such a nonsense“right or wrong.”
Ain’t no way to ever understand how I do enjoy this GAME

Roll the dice….

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: (K)NoW_NAME
Tie-in: Fairy gone フェアリーゴーン
Status : Official Full

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  • Fairy gone フェアリーゴーン Insert Song Lyrics

(K)NoW_NAME『GAME』Music Video・PV


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(K)NoW_NAME - GAME Lyrics