Bare your teeth Lyrics

Cover art for『IRyS - Bare your teeth』from the release『Journey』


Release: 2022.01.12
Lyricist: KIHOW
Composer: ZAQ
Arranger: KanadeYUK

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Whose hands are choking me?
What’s torturing me now?
Tell me what’s inside me
Resolution going down

Something feels so wrong since I came here
Imagine. Do you get what I’m saying?
It’s like a poison killing me
You won’t accept this
You can’t refuse
You chose it yourself
Little and loud voices whispering in to my ears like a fairy tale
But did pansies always have a face like this?

So sick of this world that can’t say a thing
I have to lie so I smile
Every second is a fake
Choking myself until there is a remedy
See that? I’m okay

Anger, evil, desire and envy
No amount of guilt is ever enough
No doubt
There’s no way out of this vortex
Mistakes don’t go away

Something smells so awful since I came here
Feel it. Do you hear what I’m saying?
It’s like a poison killing me
You won’t accept this
You can’t refuse
You chose it yourself
Little and loud voices whispering in to my ears like a fairy tale
But how long have I been laying here?
Why am I who I am?
Voices inside my head are driving me crazy

Now you need to bare your teeth and live

So sick of this world that I can’t say a thing
I have to lie so I smile
Every single thing is fake
Choking myself until there is a remedy
See that? I’m okay

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: IRyS
Status : Official Full

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IRyS - Bare your teeth Lyrics