The Reflection 歌詞

『Void_Chords feat.L - The Reflection』収録の『Revealed Dimensions』ジャケット

Void_Chords feat.L

タイアップ: アニメ「RWBY 氷雪帝国」第4話 挿入歌
よみ: ザリフレクション
発売日: 2022.09.21
作詞: Konnie Aoki
作曲: 高橋諒
編曲: 高橋諒
関連歌手: Void_Chords


1.No one’s seen all aspects
2.Does every soul possess a face
3.Hiding in safety from what’s on surface
4.What is one’s identity?
5.No longer do I know how “truth” is defined
6.I don’t know where to go
7.Can someone come and tell me?8.
9.Passage, predetermined
10.Days of living in scenarios
11.Take what is said, accept and follow
12.Voices, from deep in the soul
13.A recognition of timbre and the tone
14.Something I’ve always felt, a message and a sign15.
16.Outer force, repression, all for “you”
17.Carrying on deception, where’s virtue18.

19.When I find conditions we trace every emotion binds
21.I just wanna throw it all away
22.Go and see, move forward like you
23.No matter how they’re to view
24.Inner and the outer sides, this battle goes on25.
26.Mirror, my reflection
27.Which side is the one I truly am
28.Do I remain, deceiving infections
29.I can no longer resist
30.When every thought and emotion’s here within
31.Living in me, exists, it’s waiting for a way out32.
33.Sounds of self found under, to pursue
34.No more will I wander, with my truth35.
36.When I find conditions we trace every emotion binds
38.I just wanna throw it all away
39.Go and see, move forward like you
40.No matter how they’re to view
41.Inner and the outer sides, this battle goes on42.
43.No one’s seen all aspects
44.No one’s shown all prospects
45.No one’s shown those secrets
46.I’ve found my true answer
47.I see now, where to go




歌手: Void_Chords feat.L
タイアップ: RWBY 氷雪帝国
ステータス: 公式 フル


  • Void_Chords feat.L The Reflection 歌詞

  • RWBY 氷雪帝国 第4話 挿入歌 歌詞

Void_Chords feat.L『The Reflection』の Topic Video




Void_Chords feat.L The Reflection 歌詞