
EX-ARM エクスアーム 歌詞一覧

Diamonds ShineDizzy SunfistDiamonds shine in the sky Diamonds shine from your eyes Glistening in the night memories I want to talk to you From my Dizzy SunfistEDDiamonds shine in the sky Diamonds shine from your eyes Glistening in the night memories I want to talk to you From my
Rise AgainAIRFLIPHello, hello We still fight together. No matter how I'm feeling lonesomeness again. Like a thousand miles away I heard AIRFLIPOP 動画Hello, hello We still fight together. No matter how I'm feeling lonesomeness again. Like a thousand miles away I heard

アニメ「EX-ARM エクスアーム」OP/ED 歌詞一覧リスト