Darling! Abduct∵ Me! (feat. MIMI) Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『∴ [yueni] - Darling! Abduct∵ Me! (feat. MIMI)』from the release『Darling! Abduct∵ Me! (feat. MIMI)』
Original Title: Darling! アブダク∵ Me! (feat. MIMI)

∴ [yueni]

Release: 2022.05.25
Composer: DÉ DÉ MOUSE
Arranger: DÉ DÉ MOUSE

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1.Haikei anata-sama ikaga osugoshi deshou
2.Watashi no kokoro wa kawarazu ni pureadesu no mukougawa de3.
4.No talk to talk yume no naka ja (yume no naka ja?) Walk the walk koibito demo (koibito da yo?)
5.Ano yo ni kyapurareta (kyapuraretai!) haato wa uzuiteru (uzuiteru!)
6.Hoteru karada no naka (yubisaki made) No Scrape inpuranto (umekomaretai!)
7.Kanaete asenshon (asenshon?) mou dame na no!8.
9.Watashi wo saratte Darling! koko kara tsuresatte! (furaingu soosaa!)
10.Anata wo shiritai furetai kanjitai!
11.Hoshikuzu no namida ukabe isoide yo Abduct me!!
12.I want you! asa ga kuru mae ni…13.

14.Me wo tojireba ukabu kao koppu no fuchi yubi de tadori Abduct me
15.Mayonaka nigirishimeta koibumi kakemeguru mugibatake Abduct me
16.Yume no naka no anata wa tooru howaito watashi no subete ga anata ni muchuu
17.Renai saibou kumikae rabu ga gure(i)ta koi no kanata
18.Subete misete kirihiraite karada subete sasagetai no mou dame na no mou dame na no
19.Suikomareru suikomareru…20.
21.Yun yun yun yun…22.
23.Watashi wo saratte Darling! koko kara tsuresatte!
24.Hoshi no hate yume no mukou chika demo ii no!
25.Hoshikuzu no namida ukabe isoide yo Abduct me!!
26.I want you! asa ga kuru mae ni…27.
28.Watashi wo saratte (mou matenai no!) Darling! Wow!! Take me fly away!! (furaingu soosaa!)
29.Kyapurarete aburarete toki wo koetai!
30.Senketsu no namida ukabe (namida no hate ni wa) Oh my Darling Abduct me!!
31.I want you! anata wa mada konai…32.
33.Yun yun yun yun…
34.Darling I love you Forever young
35.Darling Darling Darling Take Me, Darling Darling Darling Take Me
36.Darling Darling Darling Take Me Away!!

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Artist: ∴ [yueni]
(Based on):
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Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

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  • ∴ [yueni] - Darling! Abduct∵ Me! (feat. MIMI) Lyrics (Romanized)

  • ∴ [yueni] - Darling! アブダク∵ Me! (feat. MIMI) Lyrics (Romanized)

1.拝啓あなた様 いかがお過ごしでしょう
2.私の心は変わらずに プレアデスの向こう側で3.
4.No talk to talk 夢の中じゃ (夢の中じゃ?) Walk the walk 恋人でも (恋人だよ?)
5.あの夜にキャプられた (キャプられたい!) ハートは疼いてる (疼いてる!)
6.火照る身体の中 (指先まで) No Scrape インプラント(埋め込まれたい!)
7.叶えてアセンション (アセンション?) もうダメなの!8.
9.私をさらって  Darling!此処から連れ去って! (フライングソーサー!)
10.あなたを知りたい 触れたい 感じたい!
11.星屑の涙浮かべ 急いでよ Abduct me!!
12.I want you!  朝が来る前に…13.
14.目を閉じれば浮かぶ顔 コップの縁 指でたどり Abduct me
15.真夜中握りしめた恋文 駆け巡る麦畑 Abduct me
16.夢の中のあなたはトールホワイト 私の全てがあなたに夢中
17.恋愛細胞組み換え ラブがグレ(イ)た 恋の彼方
18.全て見せて 切り開いて 身体全て 捧げたいの もうダメなの もうダメなの
23.私をさらって  Darling!此処から連れ去って!
24.星の果て 夢の向こう 地下でもいいの!
25.星屑の涙浮かべ 急いでよ Abduct me!!
26.I want you!  朝が来る前に…27.
28.私をさらって (もう待てないの!) Darling!Wow!! Take me fly away!! (フライングソーサー!)
29.キャプられて アブられて 時を超えたい!
30.鮮血の涙浮かべ (涙の果てには) Oh my Darling Abduct me!!
31.I want you! あなたはまだ来ない…32.
34.Darling I love you Forever young
35.Darling Darling Darling Take Me, Darling Darling Darling Take Me
36.Darling Darling Darling Take Me Away!!

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Artist: ∴ [yueni]

∴ [yueni]『Darling! Abduct∵ Me! (feat. MIMI)』Music Video・PV


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∴ [yueni] - Darling! Abduct∵ Me! (feat. MIMI) (Darling! アブダク∵ Me! (feat. MIMI)) Lyrics (Romanized)