ToT Lyrics

Cover art for『Unknöwn Kun - ToT』from the release『Stay Forever』

Unknöwn Kun

Release: 2020.07.08
Lyricist: Unknöwn Kun
Composer: Unknöwn Kun

You’re my rockstar, my favorite band and my punk-hero
It’s more than Bruno Mars, Ariana, JB and Ed Sheeran

Still get influenced by your 4th Album
That I used to beat to death
You’re my superstar, my favorite voice and my punk-hero

You told me you’d be here here to hold me
When I lost the ground
Once you told me you’d be be light to guide me me
When I lost the sight

Once you told me you’d be here here to hold me
No ground beneath my feet
You told me I could be anyone

Hey you’re my hero
Your voice make the grey clouds disappear
I’ll trace my map to your back
A hundred steps ahead of me

My hero
Songs you wrote me make my heart so pure
I’ll trace your mark to where you are
I’ll be there to dedicate this song

To T To T To T T
To T To T To T T
I’ll trace my map to your back
A hundred steps ahead of me

To T To T To T T
To T To T To T T
I’ll trace your mark to where you are
I’ll be there to dedicate this song

You don’t know me at all
No I don’t know everything about you, too
Any artists, any bands, any singers got nothing on you

Influenced by how your moves in the video on YouTube
No one else
Nobody else can’t be the same as you

You told me you’d be here here to hold me me
When I lost the ground
Once you told me you’d be be light to guide me me
When I lost the sight

Once you told me you’d be here here to hold me
No ground beneath my feet
You told me I could do anything

Hey you’re my hero
Your voice make the grey clouds disappear
I’ll trace my map to your back
A hundred steps ahead of me

My hero
Songs you wrote me make my heart so pure
I’ll trace your mark to where you are
Yeah I’ll be there to dedicate this song

To T To T To T T
To T To T To T T
I’ll trace my map to your back
A hundred steps ahead of me

To T To T To T T
To T To T To T T
I’ll trace your mark to where you are
I’ll be there to dedicate this song

I’ll go
I’ll go
I’ll go anywhere you go you go
I’ll go go
I’ll go
I’ll go
I’ll go anywhere you go you go
I’ll go
I’ll go
I’ll go
I’ll go

Hey you’re my hero
Your voice make the grey clouds disappear
I’ll trace my map to your back
A hundred steps ahead of me

My hero
Songs you wrote me make my heart so pure
I’ll trace your mark to where you are
Yeah I’ll be there to dedicate this song

To T To T To T T
To T To T To T T
I’ll be there to dedicate this song
A hundred steps ahead of me
My hero
To T To T To T T
To T To T To T T
I’ll trace your mark to where you are
I’ll be there to dedicate this song

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: Unknöwn Kun
Status : Official Full

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Unknöwn Kun - ToT Lyrics