1.Ha-ha 3 2 12.
3.Can’t stop, won’t stop
4.Come on, it’s time for the parade
5.Grasp the essence of this era6.
7.Bounce! Bounce! Life is just a game
8.LA-TA-TA, bloom in full glory
9.A calculated, confident move
10.I gotcha
11.Junk! Junk! Such whims
12.Sometimes, just believe
13.Take a bold leap—never go back14.
15.What we’re challenging is like a monster
16.An unprecedented grand adventure
17.Even when we hit walls and struggle again and again
18.We’ve come this far without giving up19.
20.We’ve been waiting so long
21.This is our—yes, our
22.Dream stage23.
24.Can’t stop, won’t stop
25.Come on, it’s time for the parade
26.Burn it into your eyes—do it27.
28.Bounce! Bounce! Life is just a game
29.LA-TA-TA, bloom in full glory
30.A calculated, confident move
31.I gotcha
32.Junk! Junk! Such whims
33.Sometimes, just believe
34.Take a bold leap—never go back
35.Don’t miss it
36.Brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter
37.Whatcha-cha say now? Let loose
38.Dance ya, dance yo
39.Tonight’s a feast40.
41.No more fake surrender
42.We are the game changers
43.Limitless possibilities
44.Fight on—go ahead now
45.A thrill and gravity so electric, it tingles
46.Savor it, enjoy it—it’s alright47.
48.Say goodbye to boring days
49.Let it all go, break free from everything
50.“Let’s go—beyond this point”51.
52.Bounce! Bounce! Stir it up
53.A revolutionary movement
54.Paint the ideal sunrise
55.I gotcha
56.Fake! Fake! See right through it
57.Turn the impossible into possible
58.Redefine it, seeking brilliance59.
60.Eh oh Eh oh
61.Dance all night
62.Eh oh Eh oh
63.Shine now, weaving the future64.
65.Can’t stop, won’t stop
66.It’s far from over—it never ends, going on forever67.
68.Bounce! Bounce! Life is just a game
69.LA-TA-TA, bloom in full glory
70.A calculated, confident move
71.I gotcha
72.Junk! Junk! Such whims
73.Sometimes, just believe
74.Take a bold leap—never go back
75.Don’t miss it
76.Brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter
77.Whatcha-cha say now? Let loose
78.Dance ya, dance yo
79.Tonight’s a feast
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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(/・ω・)/ ☕彡 ヽ(^。^)ノ
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