3.There are so many things I can’t do
4.It gets frustrating5.
6.But maybe, just maybe
7.It’s something we can share8.
9.When you’re at your wits’ end
10.And don’t know what to do
11.At those times, talk to me
12.Rely on me13.
14.You are not alone
15.We’re connected
16.Hey, let’s make a promise here
17.If you ever get lost and stand still
18.I’ll always be beside you
19.To light your way20.
21.The heart isn’t always
22.Clear skies
23.Even if you notice
24.The dark feelings
25.Don’t carry them alone anymore
26.I’ll bear them with you27.
28.You have things
29.That I don’t have
30.It’s not just admiration
31.I’ll believe in you and support you32.
33.I want to be by your side
34.I want to stay connected
35.Hey, that’s the light
36.When times are tough, when you’re struggling
37.Ah, remember that38.
39.You are not alone
40.We’re connected
41.Hey, let’s make a promise here
42.If you ever get lost and stand still
43.I’ll always be beside you
44.To light your way45.
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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