1.Don’t be afraid
2.I wait for you in the street where the dazzling sun shines
3.The days when my heart was pounding are now distant4.
5.I was in love with you, I almost forgot6.
7.Even if I’m tossed around by cruel things
8.It’s no good to stop moving forward, right?9.
10.And yet, I keep losing things like this
11.I know wanting to smile is luxurious12.
13.Don’t be scared
14.The gentle wind makes your hair flutter
15.Promise to always be by my side
16.Let’s play together forever17.
18.Even though we talked about boring dreams, the hell continues19.
20.Getting hurt and hurting others, yet still living
21.That’s what being human is all about22.
23.But sometimes, I feel like I want to die
24.I know it’s all so difficult25.
26.The whole world has become my enemy and attacks me
27.It’s okay if the nightmare disappears by morning28.
29.What is this dream that continues even after waking up?
30.Even God is still asleep31.
32.You disappear in the dazzling sunlight
33.What is the meaning of those days?
34.I keep calling out without giving up
35.But my voice no longer reaches you
36.Even if I’m tossed around by cruel things
37.I know I have to wake up to a new morning
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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