Avid English Translation



Tie-in: 86 EIGHTY SIX 86―エイティシックス―
Release: 2021.06.09
Lyricist: cAnON.
Composer: Hiroyuki Sawano
Related Artists: SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]

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Original Lyrics: Avid Lyrics (Romanized)

A faint light points ahead
To shadows stalled in a silent haze
A rhythm in 6/8 is stirred up
An uncomfortably innocent calm

Close my eyes and figure out the vacancy
I don’t know what I wanted or you made me do
So scattered and carved
Can you still smile after seeing the true world?

Don’t you get there?
It calls
The sky I look up to changes in color
My naked heart can hear echoes
Avidity that I sought without even realizing it

Foolish prayers weave waves
A violent maze, feet covered in sand
A resonance in 2 is ordained within my eardrums
A never ending resonant harm

Plug my ears and figure out the tendency
You don’t know how reckless you are
You made me blue
All has grown faint and silent
Can you still pick out the true emotions?

Don’t you get there?
It calls
A spiral song clears the way for one willful hope
My rusted heart can hear echoes
Of the avidity we lost that day

Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter, color, ardor, wander
Gotta feel it undercover
We know not where…

Don’t you get there?
It calls
The sky I look up to changes in color
My naked heart can hear echoes
Avidity that I sought without even realizing it

Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter, color, ardor, wander
Gotta feel it undercover
We know not where that ultramarine may wander

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Romaji: Avid Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki
Tie-in: 86 EIGHTY SIX 86―エイティシックス―
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  • SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki - Avid English Translation

  • 86 EIGHTY SIX Ending Theme 1 English Translation

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A faint light points ahead
To shadows stalled in a silent haze

So scattered and carved
Can you still smile after seeing the true world?

Don’t you get there?
It calls
The sky I look up to changes in color
My naked heart can hear echoes
Avidity that I sought without even realizing it

Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter, color, ardor, wander
Gotta feel it undercover
We know not where that ultramarine may wander

Silent haze 霞みがちに捉える影
6/8(ハチロク)のリズム 掻き乱される
ぎこちない innocent calm

Close my eyes and figure out the vacancy
I don’t know what I wanted or you made me do

Don’t you get there?
It calls
My naked heart can hear echoes
識らず求めた Avidity

Violent maze 砂にまみれ埋まる足
鼓膜に響く in2(インツー) 下される
とめどない resonant harm

Plug my ears and figure out the tendency
You don’t know how reckless you are
You made me blue

Don’t you get there?
It calls
My rusted heart can hear echoes
あの日なくした Avidity

Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter color ardor wander
Gotta feel it undercover

Don’t you get there?
It calls
My naked heart can hear echoes
識らず求めた Avidity

Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter color ardor wander
Gotta feel it undercover
行方も知らない あの日の群青

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Romaji Avid Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki
Tie-in: 86 EIGHTY SIX 86―エイティシックス―
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Silent haze 霞みがちに捉える影


Don’t you get there?
It calls
My naked heart can hear echoes
識らず求めた Avidity

Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter color ardor wander
Gotta feel it undercover
行方も知らない あの日の群青

SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki『Avid』Official Music Video


SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki『Avid』Special Video


SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki『Avid』Special Video


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SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki - Avid English Translation Lyrics