1.I should put an end to this already.
2.The world is slowly falling apart.
3.So much disappeared that I can’t even remember
4.The reason I shouldered all these risks.5.
6.Sooner or later, our life will be stripped-down
7.To something identifiable only by whether we breathe or not.
8.It’s “Good-Bye” while it feels as if we’re being squashed.9.
10.Shoot through!
11.I’ll make the impulse to turn my weakness into strength reality.
12.I’m searching for just one thing that won’t break.
13.Don’t let me drown
14.Even when the darkness I seem to drown in swallows me,
15.I’ve made the decision that revolting is the only thing I can do.16.
17.There are words that don’t deceive –
18.I’ll display I’m just finding out now.
19.I’m not living for the sake of some irresponsible person.20.
21.I’ve only gotten good at keeping up my appearance.
22.The one thing left was a virtual image
23.I unconsciously created.24.
25.Break free!
26.As long as you manage to shake off the status quo
27.Of being unable to believe even in yourself, hesitating is fine.
28.「Don’t let me down」?
29.Escape from concepts like the expectation of an understanding.
30.Aren’t you living to fight for the things you can’t give up on?31.
32.Unable to resist and unable to change – It repeats.
33.Surely I’ve given up somewhere,
34.But I no longer need excuses.35.
36.Shoot through!
37.I’ll make the impulse to turn my weakness into strength reality.
38.I’m searching for just one thing that won’t break.
39.Don’t let me drown
40.Even when the darkness I seem to drown in swallows me,
41.I’ve made the decision that revolting is the only thing I can do.
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