1.It’s like I’m in a movie I once saw
2.In front of a station under construction, a building stretches out into the sky3.
4.The rhythmic tapping of my heels aligns with the sound of life
5.I’m still unfinished and incomplete
6.I know how to make a miraculous comeback7.
8.Right now, I’m the youngest I’ll ever be, and by riding my sixth sense, sixth sense
9.Today I feel like doing something childish
10.Sixth sense, sixth sense, tell me about the unexpected
11.I’m missing something I want to pull in together I want a coincidence to heart12.
13.Now c’mon on over, one and all (I got it)
14.On the road you need company, in life you need sympathy (I got it)
15.Take a look at this approach
16.There’s wisdom in a move that outstrips weakness17.
18.Things have a way of not turning out the way you were told they would
19.Don’t take it so hard20.
21.Right now, I’m the fastest I’ll ever be, and drawing inspiration from my sixth sense, my sixth sense
22.A speeding heart can’t lie
23.How can I replace, replace words that aren’t part of the dialogue
24.That’s right, I want to engage in idle banter I want to feel something special25.
26.Though we cried for no reason when we were first born
27.Nowadays we can’t even cry properly
28.Still, you’ve got to fight til the end for your dignity, for that irreplaceable pride
29.On my count, let go of everything other than what resonates on an emotional level30.
31.Crazy about this thing.32.
33.Right now I’m the youngest I’ll ever be, and by riding my sixth sense, sixth sense
34.Today I feel like doing something childish
35.Sixth sense, sixth sense, tell me about the unexpected36.
37.Tell me, tell me38.
39.I’m in top form! Riding my sixth sense, sixth sense
40.How far can I go?
41.Having no clue, sixth sense, sixth sense, tell me
42.This unfaltering speed wants a coincidence to heart
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