RE:BERSERK Artist Directory

DARK PROPHECYKurutta kotowari kara nigeru you ni Utsuro na ishidatami wo mayoi kake Omae wa rabyurintosu no shinou de Sono mi sasagu saRE:BERSERKICHU Étoile StageKurutta kotowari kara nigeru you ni Utsuro na ishidatami wo mayoi kake Omae wa rabyurintosu no shinou de Sono mi sasagu sa
Mobius no KizunaLyrics for this song are pending transliteration by our staff and will be updated as soon as they are completeRE:BERSERKICHU Étoile StageLyrics for this song are pending transliteration by our staff and will be updated as soon as they are complete
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