1.Mad, mad love, crazy love
2.“Isn’t the method a bit forceful”?
3.Don’t be jealous, this is about me, right?
4.It’s happiness, right, darling?
5.Purely, I’m already so innocent
6.I love you to death7.
8.Is it “intense emotions,” I wonder?
9.I haven’t asked for anyone’s opinion
10.Is it “dangerous stalker,” I wonder?
11.“Keep bashing,” it’s okay, how pitiful12.
13.Look, a red, heavy thread
14.I want to connect, I’m in restraint
15.Please me, heart and all
16.Even your incompetence is so lovely to me17.
18.(Mad, mad love, crazy love, crazy love, love)19.
20.“Isn’t the method a bit forceful”?
21.Don’t be jealous, this is about me, right?
22.You love me, right, darling?
23.Come on, completely, everything, please surrender
24.It’s fate, right, darling?
25.This is love, you understand, right?
26.Surely, we’ll reach the goal together
27.Purely, I’m already so innocent
28.I love you to death29.
30.Being called a “psychopath”
31.I don’t care if I’m called that
32.I have to convey
33.the level of “I love you”34.
35.“How are you doing now?”
36.Searching for your location and history, miss you
37.Our hands clasped together
38.So they’ll never separate again
39.I’ll keep them intertwined40.
41.Unknown overlapping
42.Platonic love
43.Pure love, envied and troubled
44.Ignoring the obsession already
45.If we’re together, it’s already so maddening46.
47.Hey, Dearest…?48.
49.The theory of sentimental behavior of dependency
50.Selfish? No, no, it’s mutual and loving
51.High! Sprinting in deep love
52.Every day, every day, overflowing love
53.Why? Even if you’re still cold
54.Surely, it’ll suddenly change for the better
55.I want to love, my whole life, more
56.The past, the present, the future
57.Even bad lies are too cute
58.Crisis-like, I love you so much
59.Love, love, love
60.Anyway, love, Love You61.
62.Still forceful as ever?
63.“Love” still as forceful as ever?
64.Even though I’m “loving” forcefully?
65.“I love you, darling” because it’s
66.Destiny Love, so hold me tightly67.
68.Mad, mad love, crazy love, crazy love, love
69.“Still psycho and forceful…”
70.Do you have a complaint? It’s about us, right?
71.You love me, right, darling?
72.Come on, completely, everything, please surrender
73.It’s fate, right, darling?
74.This is love, you understand, right?
75.Surely, we’ll reach the goal together
76.Purely, I’m already so innocent
77.I love you to death
78.I vow eternity, calling, calling
79.If it’s real love, it’s natural…
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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(/・ω・)/ ☕彡 ヽ(^。^)ノ
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