Trash is Treasure Lyrics

Cover art for『Lillian Weinberg (Song Performed by Laura Pitt-Pulford) - Trash is Treasure』from the release『Dr. STONE Original Soundtrack 2』

Lillian Weinberg (Song Performed by Laura Pitt-Pulford) リリアン・ワインバーグ (Song Performed by Laura Pitt-Pulford)

Dr. STONE Insert Song
Release: 2019.12.14

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I was the kind girl used to play by the dumpster.I didn’t care what they say because I found my treasure.

When I found this vinyl there I found my remedy.Now I find myself when sing that melody.

Nana Nana
You can feel the music in the air.

Nana Nana
You can feel it in the air.

Now I am the one who’s singing Yea I’m singing like a shining star. I still don’t care what they say because I know I’ll be going far.

When I found this vinyl there I found my remedy.Now I find myself when sing that melody.

Nana Nana
You can feel the music in the air.

Nana Nana
You can feel it in the air.

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: Lillian Weinberg (Song Performed by Laura Pitt-Pulford) リリアン・ワインバーグ (Song Performed by Laura Pitt-Pulford)
Tie-in: Dr. STONE
Status : Official Full

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  • Lillian Weinberg (Song Performed by Laura Pitt-Pulford) - Trash is Treasure Lyrics

  • Dr. STONE Insert Song Lyrics

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Lillian Weinberg - Trash is Treasure Lyrics (Dr. STONE Insert Song)