1.Dragging my body as heavy as lead
2.Walking aimlessly through the town before dawn
3.The things that flowed out have long since withered away
4.Only my empty heart is left5.
6.I wish I could have lived
7.Without knowing anything
8.When morning comes again
9.I’m sure I’ll be able to smile again10.
11.When I touch someone’s kindness
12.I know that someday they’ll leave me
13.I tell myself that there is no such thing as a selfless love
14.And I’ll close my eyes and forget about it15.
16.I wish I could have lived
17.Without knowing anyone
18.I wonder that was me
19.Who assume that is worthless20.
21.I’m so afraid
22.Both of living and dying
23.I’m just breathing
24.Even the light seems
25.Like a sweet trap that the shadows offer26.
27.I thought I could do anything
28.I thought I could be the hero
29.I thought I could shine
30.Like a jewel at anywhere at any time
31.And when I turned around, there was no one left
32.I was just a dirty stone with a lot of expectations
33.Oh, could I change?34.
35.I’m so afraid
36.Both of living and dying
37.I’m just breathing
38.And now I’m okay with that.
39.A faint light shines40.
41.When a common day repeats itself
42.I can believe this present like a dream
43.Even the light
44.Is a sweet trap that shadows offer
45.I want to reach out and touch it46.
47.I want to touch it
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