Broke my stake Lyrics

Cover art for『GHOST ORACLE DRIVE - Broke my stake』from the release『GOD EATER Insert Song Collection』


GOD EATER Insert Song ゴッドイーター
Release: 2016.04.27
Lyricist: JxSxK
Composer: Kenta Matsukuma

I want to be a pilot
I want to be a love. Love is sense.
Tell me why I should do it.
Broke my stake
Future is also mysterious.
I want to be a love. All the way.
Tell me why I should do it.
Broke my stake.
Owe me??

Can I get evidence to be able to be valid.
Getting better of the tactics?? oh no.
Can I find a wonderful escape way someday. oh
To give the word of command I know.
You show me the way?

I want to be pop idol
I want to be a love. Love is sense.
Tell me why I should do it.
Broke my stake
Future is also mysterious
I want to be a love. All the way.
Tell me why I should do it.
Broke my stake.
Owe me??

Can I get evidence to be able to be valid.
Getting better of the tactics?? oh no.
Can I find a wonderful escape way someday. oh
To give the word of command I know.
You show me the way?

By my solidity
I did effort

Can I get evidence to be able to be valid.
Getting better of the tactics?? oh no.
Can I find a wonderful escape way someday. oh
To give the word of command I know.
You show me the way?

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Apple Musicで聴く
Tie-in: GOD EATER ゴッドイーター
Status : Official Full

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  • GOD EATER Insert Song Lyrics


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GHOST ORACLE DRIVE - Broke my stake Lyrics