Mou Ee wa Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『Fujii Kaze - Mou Ee wa』from the release『Mou Ee wa』
Original Title: もうええわ

Fujii Kaze 藤井風

Release: 2020.02.21
Lyricist: Fujii Kaze
Composer: Fujii Kaze

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English Translation: Mou Ee wa English Translation
1.Saa hane nobashite koko kara
2.Torawarete bakka datta kara
3.Ikizumatta yorokobi tebanasu toki wa ima
4.Kokoro karuku shite kore kara
5.Jiyuu ni aruite mitai nara
6.Surechigatta hito datte kako datte kowakunai7.
8.Minna saki ga mienai yomichi wo
9.Tomo ni mayoi aruku yofukedoki
10.Utsumukanaide obienaide
11.Tozashita tobira tataite12.
13.Mou ee wa iwareru mae ni saki ni iwashite
14.Mou ee wa yareru dake yatte ato wa makashite
15.Mou ee wa jiyuu ni naru wa
16.Naku kurai jattara warattaru wa ahaha…17.

18.Kizuguchi wa itsuka kasabuta
19.Sugu hagareochite sayonara
20.Kokoro datte sonna fuu ni ietara ii no ni na
21.Makikomantotte doronuma
22.Imi mo naku tada kizutsukerare soshite kizutsuke
23.Kurikaesu dake24.
25.Nuketa ahou na geemu ichinuketa
26.Yoru ga sameta kaze ni fukareteta
27.Furatsukanaide fumishimete
28.Uchi naru kaze ni fukarete29.
30.Mou ee wa iwareru mae ni saki ni iwashite
31.Mou ee wa tsukiatte agerende gomen ne
32.Mou ee wa jiyuu ni naru wa
33.Naku kurai jattara warattaru wa34.
35.Yo ga fukete asa no hikari ga kao wo dashite36.
37.Mou ee wa amai yume bakka misasentoite
38.Mou ee wa iran koto bakka kikasentoite
39.Mou ee wa tebanashitai mono ima subete kono sora ni sutete
40.Mou ee wa nani ga taisetsu nan? you erande
41.Mou ee wa sou omou nara sassa tebanashite
42.Mou ee wa jiyuu ni naru wa
43.Naku kurai jattara warattaru wa ahaha…

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Mou Ee wa English Translation

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Artist: Fujii Kaze 藤井風
(Based on):
Official Full

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Transliterated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

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  • Fujii Kaze - Mou Ee wa Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Fujii Kaze - もうええわ Lyrics (Romanized)

1.さぁ羽のばして ここから
2.捉われてばっか だったから
4.心軽くして これから
5.自由に歩いて みたいなら
6.すれ違った人だって過去だって怖くない7. 先が見えない夜道を
9.共に 迷い歩く夜更け時
10.うつむかないで 怯えないで
11.閉ざした扉 叩いて12.
13.もうええわ 言われる前に先に言わして
14.もうええわ やれるだけやって後は任して
15.もうええわ 自由になるわ
16.泣くくらいじゃったら笑ったるわ アハハ…17.
25.ぬけた 阿呆なゲームいちぬけた
26.夜が 冷めた風に吹かれてた
27.ふらつかないで 踏みしめて
30.もうええわ 言われる前に先に言わして
31.もうええわ 付き合ってあげれんでごめんね
32.もうええわ 自由になるわ
35.夜が更けて 朝の光が顔を出して36.
37.もうええわ 甘い夢ばっか見させんといて
38.もうええわ 要らんことばっか聞かせんといて
39.もうええわ 手放したいもの今全て この空に捨てて
40.もうええわ 何が大切なん?よう選んで
41.もうええわ そう思うならサッサ手放して
42.もうええわ 自由になるわ
43.泣くくらいじゃったら笑ったるわ アハハ…

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Mou Ee wa English Translation

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Artist: Fujii Kaze 藤井風
1.Now let your wings spread, from here
2.Cause you’ve been stuck for too long
3.It’s time you let go of the pleasure you’ve worn out
4.Lighten your heart from now on
5.If you wanna walk freely
6.You’re not afraid of people passing by or even the past 7.
8.Everyone is wandering around the streets late at night
9.Not knowing where they lead, where we’re going
10.Don’t look down, Don’t be scared
11.Knock on the door you have closed 12.
13.It’s over now. Let me say it before I hear you say it
14.That’s enough. Do the best you can, then leave the rest to Him
15.Alright then. I’m gonna be free.
16.If I had to shed a tear I’d rather laugh it off, Ahaha…17.
18.Wounds will eventually scab over
19.Then soon it will fall off, Goodbye
20.Wish my heart could heal like that
21.Don’t get me involved in a mess
22.We would end up hurting each other, foolishly
23.Over and over again24.
25.I’m out, I’m out of these foolish games
26.A chilling wind was blowing into the night
27.Don’t be shaky, Step firmly
28.Let yourself flow as your inner wind blows29.
30.I’m over it. Let me say before I hear you say it.
31.I’m fed up. Sorry that I can’t deal with this shit anymore.
32.I’ve had enough. It’s time to be free.
33.If I had to shed a tear I’d rather laugh it off34.
35.The night goes on and the morning light is coming36.
37.No more, no more false hopes that you give to me
38.No more, no more bullshit that you say to me
39.Let it go, All the things that you wanna let go of, cast them all away to the sky right away
40.I’ve had enough. What is important? Choose wisely
41.“That’s not necessary” If you think so, just let them go
42.Alright then, I’m gonna be free
43.If I had to shed a tear I’d rather laugh it off, Ahaha…

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Mou Ee wa English Translation

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Artist: Fujii Kaze 藤井風
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Fujii Kaze『Mou Ee wa』Music Video・PV


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Fujii Kaze - Mou Ee wa (もうええわ) Lyrics (Romanized)