Kill me Red Lyrics

Cover art for『Danablu - Kill me Red』from the release『Kill me Red』


Release: 2020.05.20
Lyricist: Shunsuke Nishiura
Composer: Danablu

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When did I delight to life in terrible days.
You know you have to throw the warming insane.
Living through the night again it’s horrible way.
You look the same like zombies in the rain.

I am with you.
Kill me red just like he almost said.
‘Til it’s end to see my always.
I am with you.
Kill me red. Goodbye to venus.
Say goodbye.
Just say goodbye.

When did I delight to life in terrible days.
You know you have to throw the warming insane.
Everyday you waste your time to looking at airplane.
It’s much faster than you blame.

Faster, run it faster.
Once in your life.
Faster, run it faster.
You have to kill your past.

I am with you.
Kill me red just like he almost saids.
‘Til it’s end to see my always.
I am with you.
Kill me red. Goodbye to venus.
Say goodbye.
Just say goodbye.

Kill me baby.
Love me dead. Goodbye to you my red.
Kill me baby.
Love me dead. Goodbye to you my red.

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Artist: Danablu
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